Carbs get such a bad rep and it makes no sense. Carbs themselves Do Not Make You Gain Weight. Eating in excess of your daily caloric intake will cause weight gain.
Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient and one that your brain, muscles and cells in your body survive on. By not eating enough carbs you are essentially starving your body of fuel and it is for this reason that a lot of people feel the following symptoms when they are on a low or zero carb diet.
- Fatigue
- Loss of focus
- Low energy levels
- Confusion
- Shaky hands
- Inability to perform normal daily activities
Ask yourself the question, "is it normal to put your body through this?" I'm sure you'll answer with a resounding, NO.
Science will tell you that to lose weight you need to eat less than your body is burning. It does not tell you to cut out a major food group that is crucial to the normal functioning of your body.
You need to be eating carbohydrates with every meal and they need to make up approx. a third of your plate. Be mindful of the types you eat. Wholegrain and unrefined varieties have more fibre and release energy more gradually compared to refined carbohydrates, which give you a huge energy boost but then a steep drop not long after.
Eat more fruits, vegetables, brown rice, wholegrain bread and pasta. Eat white bread, white rice, fizzy drinks, sugar treats like cookies and cake less.
Let's be honest here, a life without freshly baked bread, saucy hot pasta or home baked cake is a life not worth living ;-)
Do you love carbs but feel scared to eat them? Do you need help figuring out how much you should eat for your body? Get in touch with me now by completing my webform on the Contact Page. Let me show you that carbs are your friend.