Zumba® Classes

Zumba instructor

Zumba® Classes

If you've never tried it, Zumba is a unique blend of dance and fitness.  From Salsa, Reggaeton, Bachata, Belly Dancing to Afro Beats, Pop and much, much more.  My classes are energetic, fun, upbeat, vibrant, with great music and an inclusive atmosphere.

Zumba is all about good vibes and positive energy, which is all we want right!

I'm totally in love Zumba because it makes my soul happy and brightens up my mood in an instant!

This style of class is for absolutely Everyone.  Whether you are an expert dancer to a complete novice, any gender, background, aged 13+*. You will follow my cues, you will learn the routines week on week, you will exercise and not even feel like you're exercising but that you're at the best party Ever.  All while improving your fitness and conditioning your body.  You will totally LOVE IT!    


I currently teach Zumba at Anytime Fitness St Sampson on Thursday evening at 18:30 and Saturday mornings at 10:00. 

My own Zumba Classes will be held weekly and the details will be displayed on here once I have confirmed the location, date and time, as well as some Virtual classes.  I will keep you posted as soon as I know more. 

See you on the Dance Floor and remember..... Zumba Responsibly ;-)


To find out more about me as a Zumba Instructor an see my Zumba credentials please visit the Zumba website and my instructor page,  https://zumba.com/p/emilyyoung1.


*Those aged 13 - 17 will need a parent/guardian to sign/show consent before taking part.  Contact me for further information on this.




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