weight loss

Is a 30 minute workout enough?

Submitted by Emily on


It's that simple.


The NHS guidelines state that as adults we should all do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity over 4 - 5 days, every week.  Or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise every week.  If you are someone who is usually sedentary, building up exercise duration slowly is crucial and every bit of movement counts towards creating better habits and improving your health.

What diet is best for weight loss?

Submitted by Emily on

There is No Specific Diet for weight loss.

Yes, you read that correctly.

"But what about intermittent fasting" or "keto" or "weight watchers," you might say.

Those are all certainly diets but they have flaws.  They either restrict your eating, cut out major food groups, illicit weight loss that is mainly water, are unsustainable for long periods, make you feel miserable, zap your energy, and the list goes on.